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Take 5 Safety: Your Daily Defence Against Workplace Hazards

Rory Broadbridge
Head of Customer Success

This article is one of our favourites from around the web. We've included an excerpt below but do go and read the original!

Original source:
  • February 13, 2025

Taking five minutes for safety can make the difference between a successful day and a workplace incident. That's why a Take 5 is a powerful tool available to your workers when they approach their daily tasks.

A Take 5 is a quick, informal risk assessment that can be performed before starting any task. Think of it as a personal safety compass – a brief moment to stop, look around, and identify potential hazards before they become problems. It's called "Take 5" because it literally takes just five minutes to complete, but those minutes could save a life.

Five Simple Steps

  1. Stop and Look Around: before diving into work, pause and observe the surroundings. What's different today? What's changed since yesterday?
  2. Identify the Hazards: think about what could go wrong. Are there any electrical hazards? Slippery surfaces? Heavy machinery nearby? Weather conditions to consider?
  3. Assess the Risks: for each hazard that's identified, consider how likely it is to cause harm and how serious that harm could be.
  4. Control the Hazards: Determine what can be done to eliminate or minimise each risk. This might mean using personal protective equipment, adjusting your work method, or even postponing the task until conditions improve.
  5. Monitor and Review: As work is performed, keep an eye on changing conditions and be ready to reassess if needed.

Why its Important

Hands-on workers face unique challenges every day. Unlike controlled indoor environments, field conditions can change rapidly:

  • Weather conditions can shift unexpectedly
  • Work sites vary from day to day
  • Equipment and terrain present different challenges
  • Other contractors or workers may be present
  • Environmental factors can create new hazards

A Take 5 helps workers maintain situational awareness and adapt to these changing conditions proactively rather than reactively.

The good news is that doesn't require complex paperwork or lengthy meetings. A Take 5 is a personal tool that each worker can use to take control of their safety. And by making it a habit – like putting on your safety boots or checking your tools – it creates a powerful first line of defence against workplace incidents.

Free Take 5 Hazard Prompts

To help implement a Take 5 into your daily routine we've created a hazard prompt document that can also be digitised within the HINDSITE platform. This easy to use document helps guide your Take 5 process and ensures your team won't miss any potential hazards. You can download our free Take 5 here.

Digitising the Take 5 process brings numerous advantages:

  • User-friendly mobile interface makes completion quick and intuitive
  • Digital forms can't be lost or damaged like paper ones
  • Managers can instantly see potential hazards identified across all work sites
  • Photo documentation capability enhances hazard communication
  • Time-stamped entries provide clear audit trails
  • Historical data helps predict and prevent future incidents

The Bottom Line

Taking just five minutes to assess any potential risks isn't just a good practice – it's an essential investment in safety and wellbeing. Remember, the most dangerous phrase in workplace safety is "we've always done it this way." A Take 5 gives you the power to break that cycle and take control of workplace safety.

By combining this proven safety methodology with HINDSITE's digital platform, your organisation can achieve unprecedented levels of safety oversight and risk management - protecting your most valuable asset, your people.

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